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Wednesday 17 December 2008

Expensive cars are everywhere!

Have you noticed how every other car seems to be a Mercedes or a BMW these days?

I remember a time when I could drive through a town and see mainly budget cars, perhaps t
wo or three "luxury" cars at the most. When you go about your daily business these days, at least driving in Greater London, it seems like you are being tailgated or abused in some way by a "luxury" car owner every few minutes.

Why is this? Perhaps humans are devolving. Our brains and other vital organs getting smaller, and as a result we feel the need to make up for it with flashy status symbols.

The burning question: How can they all afford it?!

Many people have been wondering this I'm sure, and in a strange way feeling jealous or cheated, that they will never be in this "elite" club on their meager wage.

One obvious answer is that a g
ood proportion of these cars are actually company cars. They are not owned by the individual driving them. This also explains why you have two types of "luxury" car driver: the fast aggressive ones, and the ridiculously slow "my gran can make better progress than you... and she's dead" type.The fast ones being the company car drivers of course.

Statistically speaking, the majority of "luxury" car drivers are middle aged men working for medium to large companies. So if you're reading this and you are a 19 year old working as a Sales Assistant, don't beat yourself up about it... you have at least another 25 years before people expect you to evolve into a moron. Sorry... devolve.

Of course there are people who can genuinely afford any car they set their eyes upon. Take Noel Gallagher for example, from the band Oasis, who has only driven about 9 miles in his Mk II Jaguar (worth over £100,00) in the last 5 years. Why is this? Well he doesn't have a driving license, that's why. According to The Guardian, Noel admitted that he has done nothing more than go up and down the long driveway of his mansion because he's scared of doing his theory test. Remember what I said about devolution earlier.

If you actually want to work out how much car you can afford, go to the bankrate site, which provides you with a way to work it out, this is American, but the ideas are there.

If you need to work out how much a given car is going to cost to run then visit the What Price running costs page to help you.

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